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National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute». It is possible to conquer the sky together with us












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List of specialties of the National Aerospace University H.E. Zhukovsky "Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

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Dream! Learn! Take off!
What our graduates say

Більшість випускників після стажування за кордоном продовжують успішно працювати на авіаційних підприємствах Німеччини, Сполучених Штатів Америки, Голландії, Ізраїлю, Мексики, Китаю, Ірану та Канади: Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Airbus, Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, General Electric, Rolls Royce, Pratt & Whitney , а також на провідних компаніях: АНТК "Антонов", КБ "Південне", ВАТ "Мотор Січ", Sigma Software, ЗАТ "Датагруп", "ТЕЛЕСЕНС", ЗМКБ "Прогрес", Stella systems, Nix solutions, "Eclips" і ін.

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Karina Shamushkina

Flex / Flash developer, company Plarium

During my time at the university I got a lot of useful skills. KhAI took an active part in my employment and provided an opportunity to harmoniously combine study with work. I am very grateful for my knowledge and experience!

Victor Kovalenko

The developer of systems of business analysis, the company Mede Analytics (USA)

Only after I started working and faced with problems, I realized the importance of knowledge given by the department of 304. Students who are now only getting knowledge can sincerely recommend taking their studies seriously. The subjects that are taught at the department are very modern and are now used in the work. Do not waste time, study, come in handy!

Denis Solopov

The chief of manufacture, Open Company MTD

The KhAI family would like to wish inspiration and wonderful students who will be able to comprehend their profession. Never stop at what has been achieved, and conquer new heights.


Group Leader in PHP Department в NIX Solutions

I can say with confidence that I made the right choice by entering KhAI in my time! Excellent conditions for obtaining knowledge, high professional level of teachers, many opportunities for self-realization both inside the university and outside it. This is a place with outstanding traditions and a long history that you will remember for a lifetime!

alt en
Artem Oganesyan

Technical Leader, Head of Project Management, W3. Candidate of Technical Sciences

KhAI has become the launching pad with which any flight will be successful!

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